Not too long ago, I was enduring severe trials. A very dear friend who knew of my struggle brought me a unique dua book with her from her travels. She promised me that this dua book was very special, and that I was going to love it.
I started reading the duas, and started getting into it, and the more I read, the more the world disappeared and it was just my Lord and my broken self. And then I came across a few lines, and I couldn't get passed them. My tears would not allow me to read them out loud, as I choked on my overflowing emotions. I read them again, through my tears. And again. And again. These lines were:
حَسْبِي اللهُ وَ كَفَى، سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَن دعا، لَيسَ وَراءَ اللهُ مُنتَهى
Allah is sufficient for me, and He is enough [I don't need anyone/thing else]. Allah hears the person who asks of Him. There is no limit/barrier/end behind Allah.
حَسْبِي اللهُ وَ كَفَى
Allah is sufficient: in every single sense. This encompasses every attribute of our Master. He is the All-Seeing, so when someone belittles your pain because they don't know what you're going through, remember this name. He is All-Hearing, so we don't need to worry if someone twists your words around to get you in trouble at work or to create discord in your family. He is All-Knowing, which means if someone doubts your intentions behind your actions or words, that despite their questioning and lack of trust, He knows. He is the Most Forgiving, so if you wronged someone, and they are holding a grudge against you after you have genuinely tried to make amends and apologized, He is enough for that.
سَمِعَ اللهُ لِمَن دعا
"سَمِعَ" here is not just hearing, but more like "hearing you out." It's more than listening, it implies answering of the prayer, meaning He "heard you out so much" that He is going to answer your dua. He won't misunderstand you, or ignore you, or abandon you. So pray. And ask.
لَيسَ وَراءَ اللهُ مُنتَهى
And with Allah,there is no "مُنتَهى", there is no limit, there is no end to His provisions, there is literally no barrier behind Allah. His Mercy is limitless, and so are His capabilities. So when you pray to Allah, and you say this particular dua, simultaneously remember how many times humans have failed you, how many times people considered you a burden, took you for granted, put you to the side, and even downright ignored you. Allah is capable of taking care of every need you have, without it affecting His bounty even an ounce. You can start understanding this better by listing the things He has already given you. Example: the ability to see, to read this article, and to have a brain that allows you to understand these words. You didn't create your brain, nor did you choose your level of intelligence. So how can the One Who gave this to you without you even asking for it, NOT give you something you did ask for? He will. And there is no limit to what and how much He can give.
Why are these last two lines coupled? They are one invitation. It's as if the message is: Allah will listen to you and give you all you need based on what you say, and don't worry,He can fullfill that promise because there is no limit to His bounty. And bringing in the first line, this is enough for you. So pray, and ask, and keep praying and asking, even when you think you don't need to, or when you feel like you have asked too many times, keep asking, again and again.
Allah will never fail you. He is The only Truth (الحق), and He the Always Living (الحي), and therefore He can never fail you. Just reach out. And depend only on Him.
And when He does answer your prayer, and He certainly will, remember to be grateful to Him by recognizing that He is The Provider (الرزاق).
Oh Allah send Your blessings on our beloved Prophet Mohammad.
[Anything good in this article is from Him, any mistakes are due to my shortcomings.]