
La Illaha Illa Allah

It was the most intense moment of weakness
And I just barely asked for strength
I only wanted a pinch of guidance
But not enough to deter me from my intended path
I wanted to attain an ultimate state of success
A short-lived meaningless success

Deep down, I wanted to be removed
I wanted to be flushed clean
But the temptation was so deep
And the echoes died by the time they reached my mind

I stood by the door, hearing footsteps
The army has arrived
The subtle u-turn starting as a curve
My mind became numb
Listening to my limbs
To God's will taking over
I walked over to the bookshelf of wisdom
My hand, without purpose, reason, drive, or logic reached
And beheld a book, "Purification of the Heart"
Deciding to open it, magically the topic was precisely what I needed
But did not want
Stop Read Keep Reading Don't Stop Keep Reading
I will lose if I end this

God stopped me
He stopped me
He guided me, away from calamity
Without me uttering a word asking for it
He just did

God will guide whomsoever He wills

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