
I wish

Sometimes I wish I knew less.

Ignorance is attractive.

If I didn't know what words mean, I wouldn't have to use them.

If I didn't know what numbers mean, I wouldn't have to be fair.

If I didn't know what people mean, I wouldn't have to live with them.

If I didn't know what speaking means, I wouldn't have to struggle over words.

If I didn't know what equality is, I would be able to accept oppression, and peacefully.

If I didn't know what my purpose is, I can live everyday, consuming, without reflection.

If I didn't know what thought is, my mind would be a blank canvas echoing nothingness.

If I didn't know what true love is, I wouldn't have to suffer at it's distance.

If I didn't know what justice is, I would easily be able to not demand it when the world urges me to turn my back.

If I didn't know who God is, I would be free to be enslaved.

Ignorance is not bliss.

God said:

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